
Patience in Sports

On Today's THROWBACK Friday I revisit a great movie that will help every coach or parent who has heard a young athlete ask during practice “why am I doing this, when are we going to scrimmage, or why can’t I just go out there and play my position”. This is a movie that I have used to help young athletes develop for years.

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arm motion example correct vs incorrect

HOW TO Improve speed with good arm swing mechanics for beginners

Picture A-technique needs improving-the front arm swing hand should be near her ear and back arm swing elbow should be elevated along with increased separation between hand and hip. Picture B-adjusted technique-better hand position of front arm swing and elevated elbow of back arm swing along with increased separation between hand and hip The Myths

HOW TO Improve speed with good arm swing mechanics for beginners Read More »

two young women training at the outdoor track

Back to the basics-How to improve sports performance with balance

Navigating the developing young athlete today can become a complex and costly journey at times. High tech training programs, multi-layer coaching and sports gear promising enhancing skill sets can lead to time commitments and money that may/ may not improve the athletes’ performance.  While I am not saying these paths are not helpful, for most

Back to the basics-How to improve sports performance with balance Read More »

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