The Athlete Development Summer Camp is designed for 5-8th grade boys and girls or any student who would like to have fun and improve their fitness and sports performance level.
Our program introduces FUNdamental movement skills, strength training exercises, and sports performance-based skills to maximize results and reduce injury. The program helps to improve body awareness and self-esteem. At the same time, participants gain increased functional strength, coordination, balance, speed/ agility, and much more!
Tuesdays and Thursdays starting June 29-July 22, 2021
Starts 30 minutes before camp Tuesday- June 29,2021
The camp is for boys and girls from 5th-8th grade.
Players will be assessed according to skill level for small group training.
Farmington STEAM track/soccer field
The DYA Athlete Development Camp is designed to introduce and enhance fundamental movement skills and physical literacy. The camp offers essential training in ALL Sports and ALL Levels of Play.
Campers should wear comfortable loose fitting clothing, preferably shorts.
Gym Shoes.
Sports Bag, Camp T-shirt and Water
General Safety Guidelines