I understand that sports/athlete development camps, and fitness programs are dangerous and that my child could be seriously or fatally injured while participating in the camp. Injuries that could occur include but are not limited to: paralysis, brain injury, sprains and broken bones. I understand that if my child is participating in a youth sports program that he/she will be coached by professionally trained coaches and/or volunteer coaches who are not professionally trained.
Recognizing the inherent risks associated with participating in the above noted program and still desiring my child to participate, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the DYA (Developing Young Athletes) Network LLC and Farmington Steam Academy and the members,
employees and all individuals responsible for the conduct of activities involving my child(ren) for claims including, but not limited to claims of personal injury, hospitalization, etc. I also understand that the DYA Network LLC strongly recommends that each participant have medical approval before participating in any sport, aquatic, or fitness related program, and that I must inform the DYA Network LLC of any medical condition that may require special attention or treatment.
The Undersigned parent and or natural guardian does hereby represent that he/she is, in fact, acting in such capacity, has consented to his/her child or ward’s participation in the DYA Network Athlete Development Camp, and has agreed individually and on behalf of the child or ward, to the terms of the accident waiver and release of liability set forth above.
The undersigned parent or guardian further agrees to save and hold harmless and indemnify each and all parties referred to above from all liability, loss, cost, claim, or damage whatsoever which may be imposed upon said parties because of any defect on lack of such capacity to so act and release said parties on behalf of the minor and the parents or legal guardian.
I understand and give permission for the DYA Network LLC and Farmington Steam Academy to photograph or record my child during
participation in the DYA Network Athlete Development Camp and to utilize them in advertising and/or promotion both in print and on the DYA Network LLC and Farmington Steam Academy website and social media.
Due to the unpredictable weather conditions, please provide a reachable email on our registration page. Please check your email one hour before camp time for cancellations. We will attempt to reschedule canceled classes if possible, but due to unpredictable weather this time of
year, we may not be able to reschedule. Please note, no refunds or prorates for camp days that are canceled due to weather.
If more than half of a camp program is canceled due to the weather, then a half tuition refund will be issued to all registrants. If less than half of a program is canceled, then no refund will be issued.